website terms of use and service

These terms and conditions set out the basis upon which Menopause Hub Academy Limited (company number 759717, whose registered office is located at Unit 5, Block A, Blackwood Court, Northwood Avenue, sentry, D9. D09 N97V) is prepared to allow you, a registered member (“You”, “Your” “Yourself”) to use our website and content, as well as the other resources found on our website www.menopausehubacademy.com unless Menopause Hub Academy has agreed different Terms with you in writing.

Menopause Hub Academy cannot provide you with the Services until you have agreed to these terms of service. They represent the contract between you and Menopause Hub Academy. When you use any of our Services you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.

We hope that you find them to be useful, helpful and insightful and we’d be delighted to answer any questions you have about them!

We have developed our content to help make menopause simple, accessible and affordable for your business, provide you with menopause information, answer common menopause queries and in the case of our menopause training, provide you with access to great menopause training for you or your workplace.

In this website terms of service, WeUs or Our means Menopause Hub Academy.

How you consent to these terms of service

If you access or use, or download any of our Publications, Guides or Templates, you are taken to have agreed to these terms and conditions (Terms), and our privacy policy. We ask you to please read these Terms carefully. If you’re not happy with any of our Terms, please leave our website immediately. It’s the only way that you can prevent our Terms from applying to you. You can ask us questions about out Terms by contacting us at info@menopausehubacademy.com 

Our content 

We collaborate with great experts to bring you the specialist information comprising Our Content on our website. This means you can be confident on what you find here. 

We take a lot of care over our content that we provide on our website. We want you to be delighted with it and to always find it relevant, user-friendly and valuable. So, as you’d expect, we own or hold the rights to the copyright on our website and our content. Please do not use our content or any material from this website, including documentation, code and software, in any way that infringes our intellectual property rights in it (we cover those particular rights in more detail below).

Using this website doesn’t mean that you become our client, or that we become your menopause trainers 

If you use this website, receive any information from us or download any of our Guides or Templates, this does not mean that we become your menopause trainers or that a provider-client relationship is created.

We give you a licence to use our website

So that you can use and access our website, we grant you a non-exclusive, royalty-free, revocable, non-transferable licence to use our website in accordance with these Terms.  All other uses of our website are prohibited unless we give you our written consent.

Our Services

Our services are as follows:

  • We offer menopause workplace training and policy development to companies as well as individual 

  • We accredit menopause workplaces of excellence 

  • We accept menopause workplace excellence awards submissions 

You can’t do certain things on this website

To use our website and our Content, we expect you to abide by a certain standard of behaviour. You must not do or attempt to do anything that is unlawful, prohibited by any laws applicable to our website, anything which we would consider inappropriate or which might bring us or our website into disrepute. This includes:

  1. anything that would be a breach of any other person’s privacy (including if you upload personal information about an individual without their consent) or any other legal rights;

  2. using our website to defame, harass, threaten, menace or offend any person;

  3. interfering with anyone using our website;

  4. tampering with or modifying our website, knowingly transmitting viruses or other disabling features, or damaging or interfering with our website, including using trojan horses, viruses or piracy or programming routines that may damage or interfere with our website;

  5. using our website to send unsolicited email messages; or

  6. facilitating or assisting a third party to do any of the above acts.

Competitors are excluded from using our website to compete

You are prohibited from using our website and the Content in any way that competes with our business.


We want you to have access to Menopause Hub Academy whenever you need it, on any device and as quickly and easily as possible. That means that we diligently monitor and protect our website, like any good business.

Sometimes we will need to interrupt the availability of our services to perform routine maintenance and upgrades. This agreement gives us the right to do so. We will always strive to do this during low usage hours and to keep these disruptions to a minimum, although this intention is not a contractual obligation.

Because we are dealing with the internet there will always be some things that we cannot control or guarantee and that may cause unscheduled disruption to the website’s availability. Like all other good website providers, we provide our website on an ’as available’ basis. This means that, if for any reason, our website is suddenly unavailable (for reasons beyond our control such as governmental order, extreme weather, disease, war or other extreme event), at any time and for any period, we will not be liable to you, including for any loss, damage or inconvenience this causes you. Having said that, you can rest assured that even though we’re not contractually bound to do so, we will be working hard to prevent this from happening and to remedy any interruption in availability to you should this 

Our intellectual property

A huge amount of creative effort and expertise has contributed to the creation of this website and Our Content. The designs, logos, photos, videos, pictures, documentation, information and our Content on this website are owned by or licensed to Us, unless we indicate otherwise. Your use of our website and your use of and access to any of our Content does not grant or transfer to you any rights, title or interest in relation to our website or our Content.

You agree not to use any of Our Content and material on Our Website that would in any way infringe the intellectual property rights that protect that material and respect those creative and expert efforts.

In relation to our Guides and Templates, you must not reproduce, exploit or use any of the Guides or Templates for the purpose of re-selling the Guides and Templates, or offering products or services similar to ours or for any purpose other than to assist you in operating your own business. You may amend Templates in order to tailor them to your circumstances. All other use, copying or reproduction of Guides and Templates is prohibited (except to the extent permitted by law).

For Content other than Templates, you must not:

  1. copy or use it, in whole or in part; or

  2. sell it to any third party.

You must not breach any intellectual property rights connected with our website or our Content, including (without limitation) altering or modifying any of our Content or creating derivative works from the Content.

Providing us with testimonials

We really appreciate your feedback. If you review us, or provide us with a testimonial, you permit us to post or otherwise transmit the review or testimonial on our social media or other channels. You can email us and ask us not to do this, at any time.

We are not responsible for websites run by third parties

Our website may contain links to websites operated by third parties. Unless we tell you otherwise, we do not control, endorse or approve, and are not responsible for, the content on those websites.  We recommend that you make your own investigations to ensure those websites are suitable for you.

Varying these Terms

We may, at any time and at our discretion, vary these Terms by publishing the varied terms on our website. We recommend you check our website regularly to ensure you are aware of our current terms. Content is subject to change without notice.

Discontinuing our website

We have a right to discontinue this website. This can be at any time and may be without notice. We may also exclude any person from using our website, at any time and at our sole discretion. We are not responsible for any liability you may suffer arising from or in connection with any such discontinuance or exclusion.

Warranties and disclaimers

To the maximum extent permitted by law, we make no representations or warranties about our website or the Content, including that:

  1. they are complete, accurate, reliable, up-to-date and suitable for any particular purpose;

  2. access will be uninterrupted, error-free or free from viruses; or

  3. our website will be secure.

You read, use and act on our website and the Content at your own risk.


We do lawfully monitor usage of Our Website according to the terms of Our Cookie Policy and Privacy Policy. We do this to be able continuously to improve Your Website experience and Our products and services, and to ensure that Your needs are being well catered for. We may also do this to comply with the rules of any applicable regulatory or self-regulatory organisation.

Our liability is limited

To the maximum extent permitted by law, we are not responsible for any loss, damage or expense, howsoever arising, whether direct or indirect and/or whether present, unascertained, future or contingent (Liability) suffered by you or any third party, arising from or in connection with your use of our website and/or the Content and/or any inaccessibility of, interruption to or outage of our website and/or any loss or corruption of data and/or the fact that the Content is incorrect, incomplete or out-of-date.

We make no representation and give no warranty with respect to any of our Content.  We do not suggest any document or Content is suitable for your particular use. 

We shall not be liable for:

  • any loss resulting from the provision of any of the User Services by other Service Providers

  • any loss for which liability is disclaimed elsewhere in the Conditions; or

  • loss of profits; or

  • loss of business; or

  • depletion of goodwill or similar losses; or

  • loss of anticipated savings; or

  • loss of goods; or

  • loss of use; or

  • loss or corruption of data or information; or

  • any special, indirect, consequential or pure economic loss, costs, damages, charges or expenses.

Our right to be indemnified by you

To the maximum extent permitted by law, you must indemnify us, and hold us harmless, against any Liability suffered or incurred by us arising from or in connection with your use of our website or any breach of these Terms or any applicable laws by you. This indemnity is a continuing obligation, independent from the other obligations under these Terms, and continues after these Terms end.  It is not necessary for us to suffer or incur any Liability before enforcing a right of indemnity under these Terms.

Bugs, worms, viruses, hacking and other offences

Please don’t hurt Our Website. And please don’t put Yourself at risk either. By browsing and otherwise using and interacting with Our Website, You agree not to damage or misuse Our Website in any way, including by knowingly introducing Viruses, worms, logic bombs or other material that is malicious and/or technologically harmful. This also means that You mustn’t attempt to gain unauthorised access to this Website, or attack it via a denial-of-service attack or a distributed denial-of-service attack. We will report any breach of these Terms to the relevant law enforcement authorities and We will co-operate with these authorities by disclosing Your identity to them. It follows that if You commit any of these activities, Your rights to use this Website will immediately and automatically cease.


Without affecting any other right or remedy available to us, we may terminate access to our Content and your ability to use the Services with immediate effect by giving written notice to you if you:

  • commit a material breach of any other term of this Agreement and that breach is irremediable or, if such breach is remediable, you fail to remedy that breach within a period of 30 days after being notified in writing to do so;

  • suspend, or threaten to suspend, payment of your debts, or you are unable to pay your debts, or you inform us that you are unable to pay your debts; and/or

  • pass a resolution for winding up (otherwise than for the purposes of a solvent amalgamation or reconstruction) or a court makes an order to that effect, or become or are declared insolvent, or convene a meeting of, or make or propose to make any arrangement or composition with, Your creditors, or have a liquidator, receiver, administrator, trustee or similar officer appointed over any or all of Your assets or cease, or threaten to cease, to carry on business.


We work really hard to bring you an experience that positively exceeds your expectations at all times. If you’re feeling dissatisfied about any part of your experience, including in relation to how we handle your personal information, please email info@menopausehubacademy.com 


Use of our website and these Terms are governed by the laws of the Republic of Ireland. You irrevocably and unconditionally submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts operating in the Republic of Ireland and any courts entitled to hear appeals from those courts and waive any right to object to proceedings being brought in those courts.

If you access our website and you are based overseas, we do not represent that our website complies with the laws (including intellectual property laws) of the country in which you reside (if you reside outside Ireland).  You are responsible for complying with the laws of the jurisdiction where you access our website and please note that you access our website at your own risk.

If you have any questions for us, we would be delighted to hear from you. You can write to us here:

Menopause Hub Academy
Unit 5, Block A, Blackwood Court, Northwood Avenue, sentry, D9. D09 N97V
or email: info@menopausehubacademy.com