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menopause awards.

The Menopause Workplace Excellence Awards is a partnership between Menopause Hub Academy and Great Place to Work to highlight organisations that are creating supportive environments for women experiencing menopause.


In Partnership with


AWARDS  2024
submit your entry

Are you menopause inclusive? Do you have a programme in place to educate and train your colleagues about menopause? Do you offer reasonable accommodation and adjustments to those impacted by menopause? If the answer is yes, please submit your entry.

The awards are open to any organisation, large or small, public or private, for profit and not-for profit.

Enter now and tell us how you meet the criteria of being menopause friendly. 

Closing date for entries is 13th september 2024
Awards ceremony on 10th October 2024, 7-10pm Royal College of Physicians in Ireland

awards criteria.

    • What are the distinctive ways that information about menopause is shared in your organisation?

    • How do you reach all employees?

    • How often do you communicate?

    • How do you maintain ongoing communication?

    • What methods are available for employees to communicate with management/the organisation?

    • What opportunities does your organisation provide to drive awareness and understanding of menopause?

    • Is there a clear commitment and strategy behind the approach?

    • Do all employees have access?

    • What special or unique benefits or reasonable adjustments do you offer to support employees impacted by menopause? (e.g. flexible working, room temperature control, access to rest areas)

    • Do you have existing programmes that help people balance their work and personal life?

    • Do you have any formal and/or informal programmes to support employees?

    • Do you have a menopause policy?

    • How do you measure the impact of your menopause programme?

    • How do you know that your programme is being embedded in your organisation's culture?

    • What communications and reporting mechanisms do you use?


our vision

Menopause Hub Academy and Great Place to Work want every woman that experiences menopause in the workplace to feel comfortable and supported by their colleagues, managers, supervisors and HR.

We want managers and supervisors to be confident and informed in having sensitive menopause discussions with their team. And we want colleagues to feel knowledgeable and empathetic to those impacted by menopause in their workplace.  Finally we want every workplace to appoint Menopause Champions and to introduce a menopause policy.

our mission

Our mission is to support your organisation to sustain & grow your culture. We help you to measure trust and deliver actionable insight. We help to develop your employer brand. We want to help you retain and attract talent and to build a learning community together.

 award winners 2023

menopause workplace excellence award category winners 2023


our expert judging panel.

We have a highly experienced and expert judging panel who will review your entry and award the best entries on October 10th 2024 at 7-9pm in the Royal College of Physicians Ireland.


want to learn more about how to apply for the awards?

We have launched a series of Showcase webinars over the first 6 months of 2024, featuring the finalists and category winners, where we hear from those best in class organisations about the pioneering work they have done supporting menopause in their workplaces.
