annual menopause survey results 2023 - what women want

Since 2018, the Menopause Hub has been conducting surveys among menopausal women in Ireland to find out about their experience of menopause. Prior to this there was no data in existence.

Every year since then, we conduct our own survey to coincide with World Menopause Day. We share the results widely and hope they help the media, government, the medical community, policy makers, employers, women, their partners and families, to understand more about menopause and how best to support those impacted.

In 2023, we had over 3,000 respondents to our online survey, all menopausal women at different stages of menopause. This includes perimenopause, post menopause, early menopause, premature menopause, surgical menopause and medically induced menopause. The results are shocking and fascinating in equal measure and point to how society, government, medical professionals and workplaces can best support those experiencing menopause and associated symptoms..

here are the key highlights:

Menopause - the impact

  • 87% believe that menopause is still taboo

  • Although 93% think it is more acceptable to talk about menopause now

  • 68% said that they were not at all prepared for menopause / perimenopause

  • The top 3 sources of information on menopause are: Internet (58%), social media (47%), and family and friends (46%) . The GP as a source is only 21%

  • 55% are aware of 15 menopause symptoms or less (there are over 40 symptoms)

  • Over 90% had symptoms (the global average is approx 80%)

  • One third described their symptoms as severe, whereas 50% said moderate, and 15% said mild

  • The top 5 symptoms experienced were: cognitive (brain fog, memory loss) 78%, fatigue 76%, anxiety 70%, weight gain 66% and feeling overwhelmed 60%

Relationships and sex

  • 61% said that menopause negatively impacted their relationship with their ‘significant other’ (partner, wife, husband)

  • 74% said that their sex life was negatively impacted by menopause / perimenopause

GP Support

  • Of those that went to their GP, 53% described the support as poor / very poor

Menopause in the workplace

  • The top 5 symptoms that impact women while working are: Cognitive (brain fog /memory loss) 76%, fatigue 63%, feeling overwhelmed 52%, anxiety 48% and loss of confidence 48%

  • 84% said their performance was negatively impacted by their symptoms while working (26% said ‘a lot’ and 58% said ‘a little’)

  • 37% said that they had missed time off work due to symptoms, with 18% missing 3+ days

  • 77% were NOT comfortable telling their employer the real reason for taking time off work

  • One third of women considered giving up work due to symptoms

  • And 7% actually gave up work

What women want employers to do

  • 72% want menopause training for all colleagues ( 15% have already introduced it)

  • 81% want menopause training for HR and Managers (10% have already)

  • 80% want a menopause policy (10% already have one)

  • 86% want their employer to provide access to specialist menopause consultations

Government supports

  • 94% say that the Government is NOT doing enough in the area of menopause

  • 86% want a free 40+ year old health check for women

  • 83% want free HRT

  • 82% want menopause education for GPs

As you can see from the above data, we still have a long way to go in making menopause mainstream and to smash the taboo, so that women can feel comfortable and supported. Let’s keep talking about menopause!!

If you want any further information, please get in touch directly via email:
